대학4-H 활동 소개
About 대학4-H


To: whom it may concern (Member countries of Asia 4-H Network)
Subject : Invitation to the International 4-H Youth Winter Camp 2024, Korea
Korea 4-H Headquarters is hosting 'the International 4-H Youth Winter Camp 2024' which will be dedicated to the progress of Asia 4-H youth movement through participating countries' international cooperation in the Asia 4-H Network.
We know that the International 4-H Youth Winter Camp had a great success with good memories for all participants since it has started in 2011 over 6 times. Now Korea 4-H is restarting a new version of the International 4-H Youth Winter Camp 2024 with Asian 4-H friends' strong demand. Your delegates' participation would be much appreciated, and we hope that it will benefit all the 4-H programs across the Asia.
I hope to meet your delegates here in Korea soon. Please see the attached or website including the outline and daily program of the winter camp.
Mr. Hong Soonmin President, Korea 4-H Headquarters
Attached File
International 4-H Youth Winter Camp.pdf
Attached-1 List of Nominated Participats.xlsx
Attached-2 4H Participant Form.doc